Thursday, July 12, 2012

Zoom and fix. Voila!

Pepsi Man, Pastel, 18x24

Pepsi Man was finished and photographed. But something in the face bothered me. I didn't know what, so didn't how to fix it.

As I prepared a CD of Pepsi Man for a competition, my mind wandered: How are jurors looking at the images, now that they are digital. (Remember how all entries used to be slides?) Staring at the image on my monitor, I realized that areas of the image could be enlarged to get a better peek at how the medium and color were handled. Does the juror do that? I don't know, but it became an instant learning tool for me. 

When I zoomed in on the eyes, I got a big shout out as to what was wrong! Fixing it was easy with a few simple swipes of pastel. The eyes now looked away, and in the same direction. As I stepped back, away from the painting, Pepsi Man actually seemed to have changed personality. What little effort it took!  

I hope you can benefit from this "Voila" moment. And that you will be more careful than I, and make sure you photograph that last minute change. I forgot to do it!

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