Monday, December 30, 2013

Little Accomplishments

The year ends and you wonder where the time went, if you accomplished enough. Accomplishment itself just means completing something successfully, an achievement, or a special skill or ability gained by practice or training. And it is not defined by size or quantity, so all the little things count as an accomplishment.

As I navigated my thoughts through the days of 2013, I found lots of check marks and job well done's. It's a great feeling. Slide your way down this small list; add to it with your own little things. Your year will likely have more accomplishments than you thought.
  • Maybe it was one commission or sale, and not one a month. That one counts.
  • Maybe it was a venture outside your comfort zone, talking about your art to a group or giving a workshop. Sure, it was only two hours, but what an inspiration you were to at least one person. That one counts.
  • You probably easily handled updating your website or blog with a new color scheme or template. Most likely you could have designed an entire website for a friend, but that one update counts.
  • You applied to that special art group that gives you a little extra prestige and pride, and got accepted. That definitely counts.
  • Press releases conquered and actually published? An adding-to-your-credibility count.
  • Wrote an article or just a little blog entry, then opened an email asking permission to publish it? Getting your name out there, that's a big count.
  • You tackled that scary thing called making a video, then found the nerve and knowledge to put it on YouTube. High Five count.
  • Learning another language with online Duolingo? A culture handshake count, that one.
  • You sat there wondering how many more words can I come up with for my newsletter - and did it? A big marketing count.
  • You were asked to be an officer in your art group, and said yes, knowing how much time it would involve? That's a personal best count.
  • Then on almost the last day of the year, you are Artist of the Day on Visual Language Magazine? Well, that's a great early birthday count.

Along the way, with all those accomplishments, you managed to paint, to create that thing you most love - a piece of art. Looking forward to a new year!